Dec 16, 2009

Manuscripts...or cookies? Well, let

Blessings Fam,

A very happy holiday season to all.

Found this cool blog called Getting Past the Gatekepper. Awesome article and just an awesome and helpful blog altogether.

Click the link below to enjoy the wisdom and I'm back to getting ready for January submissions.


Manuscripts...or cookies? Well, let

Dec 3, 2009

G.E. Agrees to Sell NBC to Comcast -

hey all,

i've been hella delinquent with posting so i'm going to be using share this more often. this way i'll be able to post some cool and useful stuff.

the book is still moving along, we're making the next round of edits on the book proposal and chapter synopsis. not gonna lie, it's a pain in the ass sometimes but it's gotta happen because it's gotta be hot.

as soon as some of the legal stuff is finalized i will most def be a lil more specific concerning the book and starting the blog for the book. keep your eyes open.

as for the article please read this is big move for comcast and has been in the works for a minute ... click link below to read the story.


G.E. Agrees to Sell NBC to Comcast -

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