Oct 5, 2013

Lamentations Pt.1...

Hear my cry oh God I feel so forgotten/grinding at the core of this Apple rotten/are my fears the target miss my dearly departed/Sunday conversation Mom's ya never forgotten/chilling in them Pearly Gates with crystal ceilings, gold streets, Ruby whips & them platinum buildings/I swear I got an angel she can show me the light darkest of night Green Lantern Stewart in flight/give me 10 Hail Mary's & a few Our Father's it's been 7 since my last confession killing these frauds/Life is a Bitch, Can't Knock the Hustle cuz the Smalls is the illest/microphone bully since Kimmy Arnold & Willis/Mr. Drumman in that limousine cruising for black kids to raise/wish he came around our way/I Need a Beat, Milky Cereal, You Jingling Baby, Beastie Boys, Afros, Ultramagnetic baby/it's the Culture that raised me/lyrics visit me crazy/floating trough my mind's eye while I'm changing the baby/Feather in my cap, nah that's the blue Yankee men-tal Last Dragon, Buddah Monk, Apostle Paul/Gen-tile/still in the hood a paradox/Cent-tral/Painted into a corner I'm soul to soul relatable/all praises due to Allah for a faithful few/my family & the love of my woman is what I'm grateful for/turned my other cheek to the the church is what I'm famous for...

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